Neelam Karki (1974 )
Literary nick name: Niharika
Home country-nepal, now- NY,us
Email -
M A, Nepali literature, 2004
M ED, Health education, 1999
B ED, Nepali &health education, 1997
PCL Nursing (registered nurse), 1994
School level certificate, 1990
1. Maun jeevan (novel) (1994) (launched by the then president of Nepali congress and ex- prime minister Krishana prasad Bhattrai.2nd edition published by Shirjana majheri parthisthan (2007)2. Niyatiko khel(novel), (1997)
3. Timi ma ra uni, novel (2000) series published in Mahanagar evening daily,a publication of media house, Kamana publication pvt.ltd.
4. Hawan (2006)
Collection of short stories published by abhibayakti publication and launched by Auther Diamond Samsher.
5. Brain fever-a long poem, (2006)
Published by Sarbada bangmaya partisthan,launched by Nepali congress leader Narhari Acharya .
6. Neelam karki Niharika ka kabita-Collection of Poems,(2006)
Published by janmat, and lunched by member of parliament Som parsad pandey and Basu dev Aryal
7 . Kagaj ma dastakhat- Collection of stories (2007)Published by Ratna parkasan, The biggest Publication house of Nepal.8. 062 ko rajmarga - story published, Conflict story edition - National storyCollection , editor Dr Laxman Gautam. (2006)9. Kathakar- story, published in selected stories edition by rastra bank(2006)10. Jhyalbata bhitra- story , polished in special sex psychology edition,Published by badi parkasan (2007).
11. Kabita -poem published in Daughter in earth( translated poem collection in English of 22 Nepali famous female poets)
12. Antata timi mero katha ko pattra -story coming soon in popular Nepali story
Collection editing by bayakul pathak.
13. Poems, stories published in different national and local paper and magazines like-
Garima- A national monthly literary magazine published by sajha parkasan (goverment publishing body)Madhupark- published by gorkhapattra sansthan.
Gorkhaptra- the oldest and only governmental news paper.Samaya- weekly national magazine published by bhirkuti parkasan.Samachar patra-A national daily paper from private sector.
Annapurna post-A national daily paper.Kabita - publish by Nepal academyLok samati-monthly magazine by private sector.
Khoj talas- daily paper published in evening.Mahanagr-daily paper published in evening.
Samakalin sahitya-monthly literary published by Basundhara bangmaya partisthan.Shiva puri sandes- A 3 monthly literary magazine published by shiva puri parkasanLumbini- a national daily paper published from lumbini zone.
Parhari- monthly magazine published by nepal police.Mirmire -publish by rastrya bank.
Samasti- published by agricultural developmental bank.Bagar- 3 monthly literary paper.
Kausiki- 3 monthly literary magazine.Sabda samyojan-monthly literary magazine published by sabda ghar.Sarada- the oldest magazine of Nepal on literature.Jhankar- published by radio Nepal.
Mmanobhab- published by badijya bank.
Naba kabita- A tri monthly literary magazine.
1. Jamarko -published by LITS Nepal.(1994)
2. A book published on 13th assembly of women literary(2000)
3. Janmat kabita part one(2007)
4 .Janmat kabita part two (2007)
5. Atrya gotri kunwar bansawali
1. Radio Nepal poem competition-2nd position, organized by Radio
Nepal, awarded by minister for information and communication Jaya parkas parsad Gupta.(1998)
2. National poem competition- 3rd position, organized by Royal Nepal
academy award by late king Birendra Bir Bikram Shaha Dev in royal palaceone of the best prize in Nepal national poem competition .(2000)
3. National poem competition -2nd position, organized HIMSAFA,
awarded by the president of Nepali congress and prime ministerGirija Prasad Koirala .(September 9,2001)
4. Janmatsab national kabita competition -excellent, organized in aAuspicious occasion of birth day of her majesty queen Aishwarya Rajya Laxmi shah dev ,awarded by the then president Dr. Keshar Jung Rayamajhi of royal standing committee.(2000)
5. Honor for "Poem for Peace" organized by the Reyukai Nepal, 11th
division ,honored by the minister for labor and transportation Raghuji Panta.( 2004)
6. Manchitra award 2063 given for unique identity in the filed literature Among youth 'an award given to outstanding females in different area
by culture specialist Satya Mohan Joshi.(January 19,2007)
7.Yuva barsa sahitya samman (youth year literary honor 2063) an honor given to outstanding youth every year in different areas awarded by renowned poet Tulsi Diwas.(2007)8.Gurans Literary honor 2064 an honor given by Gurans literary academy an honor given for contribution in the field of literature.(April14,2007)
Membership /involvement
1.Patron- Janmat parkasan(awarded to the people with special contribution in the field of Nepali literature)
2.Associate secretary-Tribhuvan university teacher's association, Kathmandu shiksha campus unit.(elected)3.Central member Aatreya gotri samaj (elected)
4.Central member-Chhetri maha shamag2007-2012(elected from 33% population of total Population)
5.Life member of international literary society, Washington D.C.(to the people with special longtime contribution in literature)
6.Life member of Kapan Sahitya Samaj (Kapan literary society), Kathmandu. (awarded to the people with special longtime contribution in literature)7.member of literary journalist association Nepal.(active membership for popular writer)8. Member- Pant Smriti Pratishan ( active member select by board committee)
Study on my creation
1.Study done by Mr Acharya, a student of Tribhuvan University, in his MA
thesis in Nepali literature on creativity of Neelam Karki"Niharika" as a program producer and presenter in a literary program called sahitya sansar of Radio Nepal.
2.An analytical Study done by Alka AAtreya chudal,a student of tribhuvan
University in her MA thesis in Nepali literature on Neelam Karki's poem called "Haledo"
3.An analytical study done by Miss AArati khadka,a student Of janamaitri campus in her BA thesis in Nepali literature on Neelam karki's biography.4.Analytical research on poetic collection Neelam karki Niharika ka kabita by Mrs.Gayatri shrestha.
Job experiences
1.Program producer and presenter of an hour live health
program called TELE HEALTH , a weekly program of Nepal Television from august 1999 to June 2007
2 .Lecturer in Kathmandu Shiksha Campus from 2000 to 2007
3. Program producer and presenter of a literary program called Sabda
shrinkhala, a weekly literary program of Star FM from October, 2004 to May, 2007
4. Program producer and presenter of a weekly radio health program on 2004, (40 episodes)
5. Program producer and presenter of radio Nepal (only one government
radio), a government radio literary program called sahitya sansar from April 1997 to September 2000
6. Volunteer program presenter of a weekly literary program called ahur in sagarmatha radio, the first independent community radio in South Asia from July 2002 to December 2002
Working as a judge
1. Inter secondary school poem competition on 'Nepal is great' organized by Shivapuri higher secondary school ,2005.
2. Internal poet contest on the occasion of 193 rd birthday of the first poet
Bhanu Bhakta Acharya organized by Dip Jyoti resident secondary school,2006.
3. Intermedical college poem competition organized by Nepal medical College,2006.
4. Kathmandu valley inter secondary school poem competition organized by Nagarjun sahitya pratisthan.april 15,2005.
5.. Poem competition organized by Anashwar media, January 27, 2007.6.. National inter college poem competition organized by free students’union, Kathmandu Shiksha ampus,february7,2007
7.. Poem competition organized by International literary society Nepal Chapter, New York, USA, November 3, 2007
Participation and presentation:
1. Paper presentation on 'Caupadi' a cultural impact on health in
Conference organized by Nepali folklore society, Nepal 2006
2. Participation fiction writers' conference held on 1st and 2nd of December2006 in Katmandu organized by foundation of SAARC writers and literature, Nepal chapter
3. Participation on Nepal-indo poetry festival held on March 2007, organised byFoundation of SAARC writers and literature, Nepal chapter
4. Participation on poet symposium, organized on the auspicious occasion of his majesty crown Prince Paras Bir Bikram Sahadev's Birthday
5. Participation on 'Loktantrik sahitya Bhela' a big literary assembly
organized by Nepal student association, central committee. March 14, 2006.6. Documentary on biography of Neelam karki by Nepal Television,20077. Number of interviews on different News papers, magazines, radio, fm and television at different dates.
Literary nick name: Niharika
Home country-nepal, now- NY,us
Email -
M A, Nepali literature, 2004
M ED, Health education, 1999
B ED, Nepali &health education, 1997
PCL Nursing (registered nurse), 1994
School level certificate, 1990
1. Maun jeevan (novel) (1994) (launched by the then president of Nepali congress and ex- prime minister Krishana prasad Bhattrai.2nd edition published by Shirjana majheri parthisthan (2007)2. Niyatiko khel(novel), (1997)
3. Timi ma ra uni, novel (2000) series published in Mahanagar evening daily,a publication of media house, Kamana publication pvt.ltd.
4. Hawan (2006)
Collection of short stories published by abhibayakti publication and launched by Auther Diamond Samsher.
5. Brain fever-a long poem, (2006)
Published by Sarbada bangmaya partisthan,launched by Nepali congress leader Narhari Acharya .
6. Neelam karki Niharika ka kabita-Collection of Poems,(2006)
Published by janmat, and lunched by member of parliament Som parsad pandey and Basu dev Aryal
7 . Kagaj ma dastakhat- Collection of stories (2007)Published by Ratna parkasan, The biggest Publication house of Nepal.8. 062 ko rajmarga - story published, Conflict story edition - National storyCollection , editor Dr Laxman Gautam. (2006)9. Kathakar- story, published in selected stories edition by rastra bank(2006)10. Jhyalbata bhitra- story , polished in special sex psychology edition,Published by badi parkasan (2007).
11. Kabita -poem published in Daughter in earth( translated poem collection in English of 22 Nepali famous female poets)
12. Antata timi mero katha ko pattra -story coming soon in popular Nepali story
Collection editing by bayakul pathak.
13. Poems, stories published in different national and local paper and magazines like-
Garima- A national monthly literary magazine published by sajha parkasan (goverment publishing body)Madhupark- published by gorkhapattra sansthan.
Gorkhaptra- the oldest and only governmental news paper.Samaya- weekly national magazine published by bhirkuti parkasan.Samachar patra-A national daily paper from private sector.
Annapurna post-A national daily paper.Kabita - publish by Nepal academyLok samati-monthly magazine by private sector.
Khoj talas- daily paper published in evening.Mahanagr-daily paper published in evening.
Samakalin sahitya-monthly literary published by Basundhara bangmaya partisthan.Shiva puri sandes- A 3 monthly literary magazine published by shiva puri parkasanLumbini- a national daily paper published from lumbini zone.
Parhari- monthly magazine published by nepal police.Mirmire -publish by rastrya bank.
Samasti- published by agricultural developmental bank.Bagar- 3 monthly literary paper.
Kausiki- 3 monthly literary magazine.Sabda samyojan-monthly literary magazine published by sabda ghar.Sarada- the oldest magazine of Nepal on literature.Jhankar- published by radio Nepal.
Mmanobhab- published by badijya bank.
Naba kabita- A tri monthly literary magazine.
1. Jamarko -published by LITS Nepal.(1994)
2. A book published on 13th assembly of women literary(2000)
3. Janmat kabita part one(2007)
4 .Janmat kabita part two (2007)
5. Atrya gotri kunwar bansawali
1. Radio Nepal poem competition-2nd position, organized by Radio
Nepal, awarded by minister for information and communication Jaya parkas parsad Gupta.(1998)
2. National poem competition- 3rd position, organized by Royal Nepal
academy award by late king Birendra Bir Bikram Shaha Dev in royal palaceone of the best prize in Nepal national poem competition .(2000)
3. National poem competition -2nd position, organized HIMSAFA,
awarded by the president of Nepali congress and prime ministerGirija Prasad Koirala .(September 9,2001)
4. Janmatsab national kabita competition -excellent, organized in aAuspicious occasion of birth day of her majesty queen Aishwarya Rajya Laxmi shah dev ,awarded by the then president Dr. Keshar Jung Rayamajhi of royal standing committee.(2000)
5. Honor for "Poem for Peace" organized by the Reyukai Nepal, 11th
division ,honored by the minister for labor and transportation Raghuji Panta.( 2004)
6. Manchitra award 2063 given for unique identity in the filed literature Among youth 'an award given to outstanding females in different area
by culture specialist Satya Mohan Joshi.(January 19,2007)
7.Yuva barsa sahitya samman (youth year literary honor 2063) an honor given to outstanding youth every year in different areas awarded by renowned poet Tulsi Diwas.(2007)8.Gurans Literary honor 2064 an honor given by Gurans literary academy an honor given for contribution in the field of literature.(April14,2007)
Membership /involvement
1.Patron- Janmat parkasan(awarded to the people with special contribution in the field of Nepali literature)
2.Associate secretary-Tribhuvan university teacher's association, Kathmandu shiksha campus unit.(elected)3.Central member Aatreya gotri samaj (elected)
4.Central member-Chhetri maha shamag2007-2012(elected from 33% population of total Population)
5.Life member of international literary society, Washington D.C.(to the people with special longtime contribution in literature)
6.Life member of Kapan Sahitya Samaj (Kapan literary society), Kathmandu. (awarded to the people with special longtime contribution in literature)7.member of literary journalist association Nepal.(active membership for popular writer)8. Member- Pant Smriti Pratishan ( active member select by board committee)
Study on my creation
1.Study done by Mr Acharya, a student of Tribhuvan University, in his MA
thesis in Nepali literature on creativity of Neelam Karki"Niharika" as a program producer and presenter in a literary program called sahitya sansar of Radio Nepal.
2.An analytical Study done by Alka AAtreya chudal,a student of tribhuvan
University in her MA thesis in Nepali literature on Neelam Karki's poem called "Haledo"
3.An analytical study done by Miss AArati khadka,a student Of janamaitri campus in her BA thesis in Nepali literature on Neelam karki's biography.4.Analytical research on poetic collection Neelam karki Niharika ka kabita by Mrs.Gayatri shrestha.
Job experiences
1.Program producer and presenter of an hour live health
program called TELE HEALTH , a weekly program of Nepal Television from august 1999 to June 2007
2 .Lecturer in Kathmandu Shiksha Campus from 2000 to 2007
3. Program producer and presenter of a literary program called Sabda
shrinkhala, a weekly literary program of Star FM from October, 2004 to May, 2007
4. Program producer and presenter of a weekly radio health program on 2004, (40 episodes)
5. Program producer and presenter of radio Nepal (only one government
radio), a government radio literary program called sahitya sansar from April 1997 to September 2000
6. Volunteer program presenter of a weekly literary program called ahur in sagarmatha radio, the first independent community radio in South Asia from July 2002 to December 2002
Working as a judge
1. Inter secondary school poem competition on 'Nepal is great' organized by Shivapuri higher secondary school ,2005.
2. Internal poet contest on the occasion of 193 rd birthday of the first poet
Bhanu Bhakta Acharya organized by Dip Jyoti resident secondary school,2006.
3. Intermedical college poem competition organized by Nepal medical College,2006.
4. Kathmandu valley inter secondary school poem competition organized by Nagarjun sahitya pratisthan.april 15,2005.
5.. Poem competition organized by Anashwar media, January 27, 2007.6.. National inter college poem competition organized by free students’union, Kathmandu Shiksha ampus,february7,2007
7.. Poem competition organized by International literary society Nepal Chapter, New York, USA, November 3, 2007
Participation and presentation:
1. Paper presentation on 'Caupadi' a cultural impact on health in
Conference organized by Nepali folklore society, Nepal 2006
2. Participation fiction writers' conference held on 1st and 2nd of December2006 in Katmandu organized by foundation of SAARC writers and literature, Nepal chapter
3. Participation on Nepal-indo poetry festival held on March 2007, organised byFoundation of SAARC writers and literature, Nepal chapter
4. Participation on poet symposium, organized on the auspicious occasion of his majesty crown Prince Paras Bir Bikram Sahadev's Birthday
5. Participation on 'Loktantrik sahitya Bhela' a big literary assembly
organized by Nepal student association, central committee. March 14, 2006.6. Documentary on biography of Neelam karki by Nepal Television,20077. Number of interviews on different News papers, magazines, radio, fm and television at different dates.
Dear M'aam, Neelam Karki
I am Bimal Bahadur Kunwar from Pokhara, Nepal.
I got a chance to see some information about you and your academic activities through electronic blog. Really your bibliography is great and well furnished.
Where I came to know: you had editing a book namely Atrya Gotri Kunwar Bansawali. I am very much eager to read that paper. Please help me by sending that paper. If not possible please guide to me to find.
Pls, Feel free to ask.
With Regards,
Bimal Bahadur Kunwar
Cell number 9849152304
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